Welcome to PremiumAutomat, where quality and craftsmanship meet exceptional customer service.
My journey began in 2022 when I founded my own business, initially selling on Etsy. With a passion for creating unique and high-quality products, I dedicated myself to providing my customers with the best experience possible. Over time, this dedication paid off as I successfully completed over 6,900 sales on Etsy, earning a reputation for excellence and reliability.
With this extensive experience and a deep understanding of what my customers love, I decided it was time to bring my creations to a new platform. Thus, PremiumAutomat was born. Our website is not just an online store; it’s a community of enthusiasts who appreciate premium, custom-designed products.
At PremiumAutomat, every item is crafted with care, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality that you can trust. Our mission is to offer you the best shopping experience, with products that not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. We look forward to serving you and providing you with products that you’ll love and cherish.
Contact :
Name : Can Durdu
Adress : 328 Sk. Bahcelievler Mah. No:10 D:1 Karabaglar / Izmir - Turkey
Phone Number : +90 544 767 2992
Mail Adress : info@premiumautomat.com